Article 17417

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Il'ina Irina Evgen'evna, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, head of department of research and engineering sector’s development analysis and forecast, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Research and Engineering (building 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val street, Moscow, Russia),
Burlankov Stepan Petrovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of restaurant business, Plehanov Russian University of Economics (36 Stremyanniy lane, Moscow, Russia),
Zharova Elena Nikolaevna, Senior staff scientist, department of research and engineering sector’s development analysis and forecast, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Research and Engineering (building 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val street, Moscow, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. One of the strategic documents adopted at the federal level aimed at sustainable development of the country and strengthening its position in the world arena in the field of science and technology is the Strategy for scientific and tech- nological development of the Russian Federation. The development of monitoring indicators for the implementation of this Strategy is a necessary condition for its effective implementation.
Materials and methods. The authors analyzed the structural shifts in innovation results in recent years in terms of the number of publications indexed in the Web of Science database, patents, the export of high-tech products, identified scientific and technological areas, the indicators for which occupy a leading position. Based on the analysis of the place of Russia in the world ratings, the authors identified the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s innovative development, and also determined the competitive advantages and the “window of opportunities” for the development of the Russian economy.
Results and conclusions. The result of the study is the development of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, which include indicators of the formation of highly professional human resources, the provision of personalized medicine and food safety of the population, the quality of communications and public administration, the formation of an order that secures the capitalization of intangible assets.

Key words

science and technology, innovative economy, research and development, monitoring of Strategy implementation, scientific and technological development, scientific and technical potential, results of intellectual activity, publications, patents

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 09:12
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 14:24